Qualifications We Provide

Possible to pay in instalments

Obtain your Authentic, Nationally Recognised Qualification
Empower your skills and get ahead in your career.

Unlock Your Full Potential with Allied Certify

Your Path to Professional Recognition and Advancement

Efficient Evaluation

Our streamlined process ensures a quick and thorough assessment of your qualifications, saving you time and effort.

Tailored Recognition

We customise assessments to match your unique skills, ensuring a fair and personalised qualification experience.

Experienced Assessors

Our expert assessors bring years of industry knowledge to the table, guaranteeing a meticulous and reliable evaluation.

Transparent Progress

You'll have clear visibility into your qualification journey, empowering you with insights to make informed decisions.

Career Advancement

Achieving recognition through Allied Certify opens doors to new career opportunities, helping you reach your professional goals.

Results That Matter

Our process delivers accredited recognition, validating your expertise and making a real impact on your career trajectory.

Some questions, some answers.

Have a look at most frequently asked questions.

1. How does RPL work?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of determining whether the skills and experience that you have attained prior to studying will allow for a nationally recognised certification. Through the use of RPL, we are able to examine your work history, which will determine whether you are eligible to receive a certification.

2. What evidence do I need for RPL?

We take two forms of evidence into account: primary evidence, and secondary evidence. Primary evidence includes original documents (i.e. birth certificate, license, academic transcript.), work samples, recordings, records and artefacts. Secondary evidence is often an unverified recount of history or events that is less reliable than direct evidence. An example of secondary evidence includes a resume or written reference

3. How long does the process take?

Once full evidence is gathered and payment is complete, the delivery of your certificate can take up to 4 weeks.

4. Do you offer refunds?

We will process a full refund if for any reason you are ineligible AND have already paid for the qualification.